Friday, April 19, 2013


Don't forget, the pledge drive is next week!

Hour 1

Aosoth- Temple of Knowledge
Woe- Exhausted
Lightning Swords of Death- Oaken Chrysalis
Strandhogg- Profaned Blasphemy
Watain- Four Thrones
Svarttjern- Upon Human Ending
God Seed- This From the Past
Avsky- Dead End

Hour 2
The Amenta- Disintegrate
The Monolith Deathcult- God Amongst Insects
V:28- Can You See the Light Now?
The Berserker- Wisdom and Corruption
Raices Torcidas- Maqinas Organicas
Art 238- Guinea Pig
KSK- Deathikon
De Magia Veterum- Passage
La Division Mentale- Halcyon Days
Gorgonea Prima- Whales of the Universe

Hour 3
Vital Remains- Hammer Down the Nails (listener request)
Putrid Pile- Strangulation is the Only Answer
Mincing Fury and Gutteral Clamour of Queer Decay- Eat Your Soul!
Jig-Ai- Liposuction By Machete
Gutted- Skeletonized
Autopsy- Born Undead
Aborted- Blood Fixing the Bled
The County Medical Examiners- Epicedium For Epidermal Slippage
General Surgery- Like An Ever-Flying Limb
1362- Paradaxiom
Nomad- Identity With Personification
Houwitser- Liquidate the Venomous
Severe Torture- Feeding on Cadavers

I decided not to take any time to comment on the events in Boston as I was still getting my information straight regarding the fate of the two suspects, and I wanted to have something a little more level-headed to say other than my own personal feeling about revenge vs what I think nations should have the right to do to a person, as it is a somewhat complex position that takes some unpacking to explain. 

I did decide to reiterate my position on gay rights, because I think it's something that people in this country need to come to grips with, as we're really behind on this issue and it shouldn't matter.  I know that a lot of metal-heads use the term "gay" to refer to people that listen to weaker/less-worthy music and I've been guilty of it myself in the past, but I think it's time we move past that- as a lot of these people have to then go back and clarify that they don't really care who parks what where, but that they don't have a shorthand for less intense, banal, cowardly drivel that passes for music for other people.  It's hard to invent a new term too, because it smacks of the kind of enforced civility that people associated with political correctness in the 1990's.  We'll get there, I'm sure, and I don't think I need to go out on a limb and come up with anything right now.

To get back to the essential message about this show, in relation to gay rights:  Here There Be Dragons supports marriage and civil equality for the LGBTQ community.  Not all the bands I play are going to have the same outlook that I do, and I can tolerate that to a point, but I won't play songs advocating mistreatment of people along those lines.  If you can't deal with it, don't tune in. 

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