Sunday, October 21, 2012

Maybe it's time to come back.

It's been over a year since I documented my playlists for listeners and other interested parties to use as an additional guidepost toward new experiences in the enjoyment of extreme metal music.

I will also use this to do some reflecting on the process of crafting the show, events that are occurring at KMSU, notices on when shows will be recorded and other relevant information. 

I'm grateful that even after all the things in my life that have been in flux since I began blasting wrath and bile at the skies in southern Minnesota, I still have this platform to work from.  I've never claimed to be perfect as a host or scholar of music, but I have grown with every year and I sincerely hope that this pursuit of mine is still relevant and valuable to those who can appreciate the power that something as simultaneously simple to evoke and nearly impossible to completely deconstruct as music such as this.

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