Friday, May 14, 2010

5/7 and 5/14/10

Last week, Mr. Jacob Bingham, AKA "No Mistake Jake" AKA Lycanthrope of recently disbanded Texas black metal band Gates of Enoch AKA my old co-host and former roommate ambled by and hung out with us at KMSU. We ended up playing fast and loose with some of the playlist that night, but I think it turned out pretty well.

We did not, however, get a chance to record any of it. Nor will we have a recording for tonight, unfortunately.

Here is the playlist for that week:

Hour 1

Heresi- Civitate Dei- Ondskans Hov
Hat- Schadenfreude
Watain- Chains of Death (Death SS cover)
Thy Primordial- Worldecay
Mayhem- Impious Devious Leper Lord
Keep of Kalessin- Ix
Lord Belial- Enter the Moonlight Gate
Old Man's Child- The Plague of Sorrow
Svartthron- Negation's Blade
Trelldom- Bortkomne Svar
Svartsot- Jagten
Asmegin- Fanden's Maelkebotte

Hour 2

Unleashed- Return Fire
The Crown- Cold is the Grave
Insision- Unbind My Hands
Centurian- Conjuration For Choronzon
Brain Drill- Entity of Extinction
Detrimentum- Born to Bleed
Kalmah- Better Not to Tell
Hypocrisy- Valley of the Damned
Belphegor- Necrodaemon Terrorsathan
Lamentu- Sceusa
Gorgoroth- Cleansing Fire
Rotting Christ- Serve in Heaven

Here is the list for this week's show:

Hour 1

Ondskapt- Ominous Worship of the Divine
Merrimack- In the Halls of White Death
1349- Demonoir
Funeral Mist- Living Temples
Throcult- On Demon Wings
Kult ov Azazel- The Oracle of Annihilation: Eradicating Sanctimonious Existence
Valhom- As the Starts Fade Away and Die
Todtgelichter- Asenschlact
Negura Bunget- Arborele Lumii
Tulus- Darskap til Visdom

Hour 2

Hate Eternal- Thus Salvation
Council of the Fallen- Secrets No Longer
Misery Index- The Carrion Call
+Kataklysm- Manipulator of Souls
Krisiun- Vicious Wrath
Mithras- Tomb of Kings
Dew Scented- Have No Mercy On Us
Obituary- Sickness
Xasthur- Miscarriage of the Soul
Blut Aus Nord- Axis
Barren Earth- Cold Earth Chamber
Immolation- The Rapture of Ghosts

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